Player introduction
nickname | しおん |
Birthday | 2000/4/25 |
From | 名古屋 |
height, weight | 184/77 |
sign | Taurus |
blood type | A |
Affiliation and career
- 守山FC
- Nagoya S.S.
- Nagoya Grampus U-18
- 専修大
- Ventforet Kofu
- Nagoya Grampus
J league first participation / first score
2023明治安田生命J2リーグ 第2節 甲府(vs徳島@JITス)
2023明治安田生命J2リーグ 第5節 甲府(vs岡山@Cスタ)
Personal title
Calculation field record
Calculating place (score) | |||
J1 League | 0 (0) | J2 league | 30 (1) |
J3 League | 0 (0) | J League total | 30 (1) |
Participation record by season
Seasonal data
Latest information
Q & A
family | Unmarried |
Sibling composition | 弟2人 |
Dominant hand / dominant foot | right |
foot size | 27.5 |
Q. about soccer
The manufacturer of the spike used | Mizuno |
Uniform size | 2XL |
Age at which football started | 11 years old |
How did you start playing soccer? | - |
Affected leader | - |
What I did to become a soccer player | 自分に負けない |
Elementary school and junior teams | 守山FC |
Junior high school and junior youth teams | Nagoya.S.S |
Features of your weapon / play | 身体能力を活かしたヘディング、対人、カバーリング |
Things to do before the game | I listen to music |
How to increase motivation | I listen to music |
Be careful during the match | - |
The secret to maintaining conditions is | sauna |
Things to bring with you on an expedition | 勝負パンツ |
Player who admired as a child | - |
Now, the player I admire and aim for (Japan) | - |
Players I admire and aim for now (overseas) | - |
Which player are you paying attention to now? (Other than your own nationality) | - |
Players I want to play with | Haruya Fujii |
What is your eternal rival? | Haruya Fujii |
The most shocked players in the past and why | ブリーラムのFW ゴツくて速くて収まるし上手い |
Most shocked players and their reasons since last year | 大分トリニータ 伊佐選手 フィジカルが強く、身体の使い方が上手かったです。 |
Good friends (by Grampus) | チャンレ、しいくん |
Good friends (at other clubs) | Haruya Fujii |
The most exciting game in soccer life | 甲府でのACL 最終節 ブリーラム戦 |
The most regrettable game in soccer life | 甲府 リーグ最終節 山形戦 |
Favorite overseas player | Sergio Ramos |
Impression of Grampus before joining | めちゃ強い |
Reasons for choosing Grampus | 自分が生まれ育ったチームだから |
What is the surprising aspect of your Grampus teammates? | チャンレ日本語覚えるの早い |
What is your impression of Grampus supporters? | 日本一熱い |
Can you hear your support during the match? | hear |
What do you think of this season's uniforms? | Cool |
What is your commitment to uniform numbers? | 偉大な先輩たちがつけていた番号 |
Dream as a soccer player | - |
This season's goal (team) | title |
Goal for this season (individual) | フル出場 |
Q. Private
Goals for this season (other than soccer) | 親孝行 |
respected person | 親 |
Favorite words and inscriptions | なんとかなるさ |
Favorite entertainer (female) | Haruna Kawaguchi |
Favorite celebrities (male) | Tomoya Nagase |
favorite artist | - |
Favorite songs / Songs you often listen to | Coming home / ディディ- ダーティー・マネー |
A song that comes up when you listen to it during the warm-up on the day of the match | - |
Favorite movie / TV drama | - |
Favorite TV Show | イッテQ |
Favorite manga / anime | Slam dunk |
What YouTube videos do you often watch? | Lacle |
Favorite book | - |
Favorite food | カレー |
Hobbies / My Boom | サウナ、カフェ |
Special skills / qualifications | - |
What did you do this year off? | ハワイ |
What do you do on holidays? | 友達と会う |
Moment to relax | sauna |
What are you into now | - |
What are your recent concerns? | Absent |
What are you not good at? | - |
Dream for the future | - |
A word to elementary school students who aspire to become professional soccer players | 諦めなければ夢は叶う! |
Favorite subject in elementary school | physical education |
Things I'm not good at in elementary school | 社会 |
Players who are ideal as boyfriends and husbands | Mitch |
A word to the family | 井上詩音の応援よろしくお願いします!! |